South Africa Trip

I am travelling on Population Council business to Cape Town, South Africa, to attend 2 conferences -- the Council-sponsored International Committee for Contraception Research, and the Microbicides 2006 conference. This blog will talk about my first experience with South Africa, and about the conferences.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Directions from here? Go North.

I went with a number of colleagues to Cape Point yesterday. It is at the point where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet, the southern-most point in Africa. The terrain is gorgeous, and the vista, fog aside, is spectacular. Apparently, the combination of the warm Indian Ocean and the cool Atlantic Ocean produces an ecosystem near Cape Point that is separate and distinct to each. Actually, there are two sub-ecosystems, one on each side of "the border," each of which are different than the ecosystems in their respective oceans.

Driving back up from Cape Point was a treat. First, I drove the van of 9 people. (Cass has famously described me as being a very contented and happy van driver -- she thought I would be driving a shuttle van on our wedding weekend -- so I know this will amuse her.) This is not a big deal until one realizes that in South Africa, they drive on the "wrong" side of the road. Plus, it was a stick shift. The terrain I drove on was the west coast of the southern tip of the continent, which is remarkably similar to Route 1 in California, between LA and San Francisco. Therefore, for most of the drive, I was driving on the edge of a cliff, with a 300-400 foot dropoff to the water. Because I was driving north, I was therefore driving on the water side of the road.

Driving on the left means you have to ignore virtually every natural instinct you have while driving. It changes big things, like how intersections are organized, and little things, like the angle of the rear view mirror. I did manage to get us back without a head-on collision, although I shifted into 1st gear several times when I meant to shift into third.

Another fun aspect of the drive home was when we had to stop to allow the baboons to cross the road. When was the last time your drive up the coast was interrupted by a baboon crossing?


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